[This post was originally published at FitAfterFifty.com] Who can resist these fabulous summer evenings cycling or playing on the lake, only to have to come home and spend time cooking and getting dinner ready? We know you don’t want to scrap your commitment to healthy dinner ideas that support your fitness goals, so here are five ideas that take very little prep time and you can even do most of them ahead of time. No stir Risotto with Scallops provides great protein and added power greens. You likely already have most of these ingredients on hand and bonus is you can serve this hot or chilled as a grain salad. These Fish tacos with Summer Salsa will quickly become one of your favorite go-to meals all year ‘round! Great protein and Omega 3’s, zucchini from the garden, and all important avocados and you are right on track to a healthy […]
5 Simple and Healthy Breakfast Ideas
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as public health organizations will agree, and here’s why. But with the craziness of preparation for the day, it can also be the easiest meal to forget or skip. While on the hunt for ways to make it easy to integrate breakfast into my morning routine, I found some simple and healthy breakfast ideas that sound delicious, too. I wanted to share them here with you, to help you enjoy a yummy breakfast every day… 1. Fruit & Yogurt A serving of fresh fruit is one of the best ways to start your day, with all of the vitamins and nutrients they contain. In fact, an apple will give you more energy than a cup of coffee. Grab a piece of fruit or a plastic baggie of berries, and mix them in with a nonfat Greek yogurt for its protein power. […]
In Tuscany – we’re learning the real meaning of “fresh and organic” cooking!
We are in beautiful Tuscany learning the art of classical Tuscany dishes using fresh and organic food.
Insanely fast and fabulous gluten free pasta salad
Check out my fast and fabulous gluten free pasta salad, it is delicious, quick and healthy for you! Have fast food without the guilt and chemicals.