Let’s talk about style for a minute. Specifically, how to have great style when you’re not naturally good at choosing colors and keeping up with what’s current. This applies to your home decor and your wardrobe. The wardrobe answer jumped out at me from a page in a recent Vogue Magazine. You know how some people always seem to look effortlessly great? This applies to women and men. And you know how some people’s houses seem to look fresh, clean, simple and inviting? Here’s how. KEEP EVERYTHING SIMPLE. In fact, RIDICULOUSLY SIMPLE. And then both you and your home will look fabulous and effortless. SIMPLE CLOTHES TO THE RESCUE First, let me start with a man I just saw in a crowded airport. He stood out because of his pure, elegant and simple style. He was wearing a pair of great fitting jeans and a white cotton shirt. Done. He was the […]
How to massively simplify your cooking
I love to eat super healthy and interesting food, and I especially love sitting down to enjoy it in the evening. But I must admit – I don’t love spending hours in the kitchen, and I most definitely don’t like staring at the refrigerator at 6 pm, with no idea what to do. That’s why I just bought a new slow cooker, and a new slow cooker cookbook. Now I’m happy. PREPPING FOOD TAKES ALL OF 10 MINUTES Prepping food for a slow cooker takes all of maybe 10 or so minutes – that’s it. You do the prep, put it in the cooker in the morning, and go about your day. In the evening when you’re dreaming of coming home to put your feet up – you can. Dinner is ready. I love these things. They’re magic. I bought a new one because it’s bigger than my old slow […]
How to Get Rid of Paper Files by Setting Up an Electronic Filing System
Have you had enough with paper clutter, paper filing systems and bulky file cabinets? They seem so, well, 1990s, don’t they? Dream for a minute of having all of your files safely stored online, and having only one small accordion file for the few papers that are left. Dream of the space you’ll free up from having no file drawers and no complicated filing systems. Don’t you love it? If you haven’t done so already, here’s how to set up your all electronic filing system that’s safe and easy to reference and/or share with your tax accountant: Buy a scanner. To switch from paper filing chaos to organized electronic filing bliss, you’ll need a basic home scanner so that you can scan paper documents directly into digital format as you receive them. My system is to store all files and documents on my computer, except for originals like my car title and […]
How men can create minimalist wardrobes
A mens help-guide to a minimalist wardrobe How could we leave out men? What were we thinking? We got a comment from a man about our minimalist fashion post and he said – “What about guys and our minimal wardrobes?” Plus, he didn’t think he’d look so great in the heels we suggested, anyway. Gosh! I never thought about men and minimalist wardrobes! I aways think that men’s wardrobes are so simple and easy – don’t they just grab some pants, find a clean shirt and maybe a jacket and go out the door? And what about Steve Jobs as a minimalist icon – black turtleneck and jeans, 24/7. But never mind my stereotypes. In fairness to guys, I did a little research to find out how men can look great and not have stuffed closets, either. Fair is fair, after all! Guess what? I learned so much that I think […]