Why perfection can’t make you happy – but this will

Our culture of perfection is bringing up more insights for me. You know, we’re supposed to have perfect hair, perfect bodies, perfect kitchens, perfect homes, perfect relationships, be fabulous foodies and cooks, and we’re even supposed to have perfect thoughts. You’re probably like me in that you hardly notice what’s going on because we’re swimming in this culture. For me, once I started paying attention, I realized I was telling myself stuff like this: “If I just exercise more, I’ll have a perfect body. If I take some cooking classes I’ll be able to be a foodie, too. If I get more spiritual, I’ll have more perfect thoughts,” and so on. Our consumer culture feeds this stuff to us constantly and it’s hard to ignore. We’re being told all of the time that we can do more and be more. We’re inspired by blog posts about the latest exercise routine, […]

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How to look effortlessly chic

Let’s talk about style for a minute. Specifically, how to have great style when you’re not naturally good at choosing colors and keeping up with what’s current. This applies to your home decor and your wardrobe. The wardrobe answer jumped out at me from a page in a recent Vogue Magazine. You know how some people always seem to look effortlessly great? This applies to women and men. And you know how some people’s houses seem to look fresh, clean, simple and inviting? Here’s how. KEEP EVERYTHING SIMPLE. In fact, RIDICULOUSLY SIMPLE. And then both you and your home will look fabulous and effortless. SIMPLE CLOTHES TO THE RESCUE First, let me start with a man I just saw in a crowded airport. He stood out because of his pure, elegant and simple style. He was wearing a pair of great fitting jeans and a white cotton shirt. Done. He was the […]

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How to be happy with a minimalist closet

I fell in love with a quote that I saw in Vogue magazine about a woman who described herself as being  “quite precious” about her closet. “Quite precious?” I was intrigued.  It meant that she only had a precious few things in her closet. Don’t you love that? Imagine having just a few “precious” things that you love, with loads of air space between hangars, and only a small handful of folded sweaters and accessories on the shelves. Imagine clean, open space in your closet, and imagine that you can effortlessly get dressed with what you have. My closet was causing me to feel stressed I wanted my own precious closet because mine was causing me stress.  In the past my closet had been minimalist and orderly, but I had let it get away from me, as closets can do when you’re not paying attention.  I had fallen into the trap of buying clothes on sale […]

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