Bowls. Think bowls. I am always on the search for insanely healthy and ridiculously simple ways to put dinner on the table. That’s because I get stressed trying to come up with something new every night. So I came across the bowl method. It definitely passes my test for ridiculously simple and healthy cooking. Here’s all you need, every night: Bowl Grain Veggies Protein Sauce Miscellaneous goodies for added excitement Done. The only cooking tools you’ll need are also insanely simple: wooden spoon, knife, frying pan and sauce pan. I found a great book that massively simplifies this idea. It’s titled Grain Bowls, by Anna Shillinglaw Hampton. Even the layout is super simple – each page shows you the finished bowl, plus a super simple recipe. I’m loving this! Minimal and healthy cooking at its finest! Here are a few samples: Red Quinoa Ratatouille Time: 15 minutes Serves 2 […]
Super fast, super healthy Roasted Beet Hummus
I’m always on the lookout for super easy, no-brainer and super healthy snacks and meals. So here’s one I just found from the Institute of Functional Medicine: Roasted Beet Hummus. It’s fabulous, fast and super healthy. And by the way – it’s light years better than the hummus you buy in grocery stores. I’m usually disappointed in them, and the fact is, it’s really easy to make your own. This recipe takes minutes to prepare, and it’s well worth it. What’s so great about beets? Let’s start with the beets. Beets are high in immune-boosting vitamin C, fiber, and essential minerals like potassium (essential for healthy nerve and muscle function) and manganese (which is good for your bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas). Beets also contain the B vitamin folate, which helps reduce the risk of birth defects. But we’re not finished. You can buy pre-cooked, cleaned beets at Trader Joe’s […]
Sick of being sick? Five best ways to boost your immune system
Don’t you wonder why some people never seem to get sick and others seem to pick up every bug? I’ve had so many people get sick around me this year that I decided to research what I need to do in order to NOT get sick. Guess what? It’s not that difficult to build your immune system and stay healthy. Here are five simple ways to start: One: Follow a seasonal diet Did you know that a seasonal diet actually has immune boosting properties for each season? Who knew? Many of us get into a rut with the food we buy, even resorting to processed or frozen foods that lack important immunity-boosting vitamins and minerals. Fall and winter are orange season – think orange fruits and especially veggies like squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, corn, orange and yellow peppers, yellow beets and pumpkins. These bright-colored fruits and vegetables contain zeaxanthin, flavonoids, […]
Why you should eat a hearty vegan breakfast – and how to do it
I’ve been conflicted about what to eat for breakfast. Are you, too? Is it healthier to eat a vegan breakfast, even though I’m hungry shortly after eating something like oatmeal and fruit? Or is it better to eat high protein with eggs or eggs and bacon? At least that way I feel full. But is it healthy? Let’s talk about it, and then I’ll give you recipes and a plan. I just watched a great health video – Forks over Knives, and I’m also reading a book on preventing heart disease through lifestyle and diet changes, not pills. It’s called 30 Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control, by David DeRose, MD. Both the video and the book lay out a very convincing argument that a vegan diet is healthiest. What Harvard Medical School says about diet I can’t go into details here, but I encourage you to watch the video and read […]