How to massively simplify your cooking

I love to eat super healthy and interesting food, and I especially love sitting down to enjoy it in the evening. But I must admit – I don’t love spending hours in the kitchen, and I most definitely don’t like staring at the refrigerator at 6 pm, with no idea what to do. That’s why I just bought a new slow cooker, and a new slow cooker cookbook. Now I’m happy. PREPPING FOOD TAKES ALL OF 10 MINUTES Prepping food for a slow cooker takes all of maybe 10 or so minutes – that’s it. You do the prep, put it in the cooker in the morning, and go about your day. In the evening when you’re dreaming of coming home to put your feet up – you can. Dinner is ready. I love these things. They’re magic. I bought a new one because it’s bigger than my old slow […]

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A simple, easy way to de-stress

Are you feeling stressed right now? Of course I’ve felt it too – plenty of times. Nobody gets to escape stress in our world! I learned about a very simple, and very effective method to calm my stress from a company called HeartMath. I’ll tell you how to use their method, and then I’ll tell you about them. Even though I meditate pretty regularly, and even though I’m pretty aware and mindful – sometimes stress piles up inside of me and my usual methods don’t work. So I turn to HeartMath. HOW TO EASILY CALM YOUR STRESS Here’s how you can use their method: Sit down somewhere comfortable and close your eyes. Start breathing deeply and slowly through your nose. Now visualize your heart and the whole area around your heart – visualize the whole 360 degrees around your heart, including the back of your heart – all the way around. […]

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How do you want to feel at 90?

How do you want to be and feel when you’re 90? Slumped over in a chair at a nursing home or super healthy and full of vitality and energy? Healthy and vital of course! I’ve been completely inspired by a couple of videos that have been going around about two ladies – one is 90 and the other 100. They’re so healthy that one is a track and field champion at age 100 and the other does tango dancing and even went skydiving at 90. I, personally, have no interest in skydiving, but I am hugely interested in being super healthy at 90. So I wondered what these ladies do that I could start copying right now. I discovered that the secret to being super healthy at 90 and 100 is actually really simple: Be stringent about what you eat. Exercise for an hour a day. There is nothing complicated […]

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How to eat simply on your way to happiness

Can you eat your way to happiness? Yes, indeed you can. Last week I introduced you to my Super Simple, Super Rational Plan for health and weight loss. I had my own epiphany moment when I realized that crazy fad diets are ridiculous, the results can’t possibly last, and in fact they’re often downright unhealthy. I realized that rational, simple eating is the path to long-term health and long-term perfect weight. Let me now add that that rational, simple eating is also a path to happiness. We’ve known about the connection between food, health and mood for a long, long time – all the way back to Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, who said, “Let thy food be thy medicine and let they medicine be thy food.” What this means is, you are what you eat. So if you eat good, natural, real food, you’ll be healthy and happy. […]

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